Thursday, September 19, 2013

The big 5

We had James 5th Birthday Party at our home.....with 26 kids and their parents!! I can laugh now because it is over and not only did we survive, but James had the "Bestest time ever".
Friday saw me all domesticated and baking and I even wore an apron (give me a sec whilst I shine my domestic halo). I was feeling very Martha like except for the part where I had a complete meltdown over the Oreo Pops that I had seen on Pinterest and tried to recreate. After I destroyed 3 packets of Oreos trying to get them on sticks, I finally admitted defeat and started with easy Rocky Road slice instead.
 I then went on to bake and create until I was completely spent and I had a fridge full of goodies for the party the next day...
So without further adieu, I present to you James Magical 5th Birthday Party.
James LOVES Thomas the tank engine and all his friends.
So this year being 5 years old, we went with "James the Red and Black number 5 train" as our theme.

It really was a Special party for one very happy little 5 year old. After the guest were thanked, farewelled and sent home with a lolly bag, we collapsed with exhaustion.
Oh I nearly forgot (yeah likely) the cake.
We asked James what he wanted for his birthday cake and no surprises he wanted something which would involve a train from his Thomas collection.

Train quarry cake


Happy 5th Birthday James

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