Friday, September 20, 2013

Fun in a Bucket

One of the easiest, most sure ways to engage kids in simple outdoor play is to add a little water to the mix.

One classic idea is to let the kids “wash dishes” outside.
All you need is a couple of buckets, or big bowls, some dishes for washing (you’ll probably want to choose the unbreakable variety), and some water. Add a dot of dish soap to one container of water and reserve the other container for rinsing. 
What a simple way to enjoy a little time in the shade – washing, rinsing, splashing, talking, laughing, and playing.

Whether it comes from a sprinkler, a swimming pool, or the beach, there’s nothing quite like playing in water in the summertime.

These are cheap plastic tubs from The Warehouse filled with water. (usually have toys stored in them)


Splash through spring and into summer with fun water games and activities for the whole family to enjoy

A favourite at our house is Water Balloon War – kids love the competitive nature of a good, old-fashioned water balloon fight. A laundry basket makes a great container for freshly filled balloons; simply line the bottom with a towel to prevent any sharp edges from puncturing the balloons, causing them to detonate early.
Whats your Favourite water play activities you do at your house? We would love some more ideas, Leave a message in the comments box below

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