Sunday, September 15, 2013

Pet day

This exciting day takes place annually early in the fourth school term. It is a day to bring along the much loved pets and any creations that the students have made.

Its nearly that time of year again, PET DAY

Pet days are an enduring country school event.

Last year James and Georgia were in the preschool section. They each had a lamb.
Over the past few decades, a growing body of research has shown that the presence of pets and companion animals is beneficial to human health and well-being. Pets can have a profound impact on the psychological and intellectual development of children, which is why having a class pet or setting aside a designated day as "pet day" can be extremely beneficial to students and teachers alike.

Pets Stimulate Creativity

Children are naturally curious and imaginative, and having a pet around can stimulate that natural curiosity. Most children are interested in or inquisitive about animals, regardless of whether they have a pet at home or not. Many teachers who have had pet day at school have said that the presence of an animal seemed to stimulate their students' creativity in the arts, literature and music. Even students who did not have a natural aptitude for the arts would write stories, draw pictures and act out plays involving the animal.
In November I will blog about pet day.
Can't wait to show you photos and tell you how all it goes.
James is now at school so will be entering the judged sections.
He has a Lamb called Milly and is having a calf called Molly!!
(Watch this space)

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