Saturday, September 8, 2012

Rain rain go away!

It started pouring last night again and has been raining ever since. 4th day in a row we have had rain. With 3 more days forcasted rain its going to be a noisy, busy house with the kids being kept inside.

 James watching his bike get soaked outside in the rain, I did tell him yesterday to get it in the shed before it rained...

I am such a hibernator when it rains. I love sitting in my trackies and slippers, with a hot milo while reading my book (Kindle). Although this morning as much as that idea sounded great, it didn't happen quite the way i wanted.
I ended up making a hut with the kids and having morning tea together. (Was much nicer/bonding than sitting reading my book.)

We've had flooding, severe winds that knocked out power for 2-3 hours at a time, and destroyed several houses in the area. This next photo is the paddock behind our house that backs on to a stream, which runs in to the river. This photo shows you the start of the flooding early this morning.
Lucky hubby got the stock out of the way in time.

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