Tuesday, September 4, 2012


I remember when I was a little girl and always wanting to play dress ups. The changes of clothes was endless and my mother would have a fit every time I changed my clothes (which was at least 5 times) and back then we didn't have the dress ups like they do now. Good old mums purse and high heel shoes with a big rimmed hat always did the trick.

So today I spend the day essentially playing dress up with my daughter.
I have always loved pretty, girly, frilly, things, especially dresses/skirts, the poofier and more tutu-like the better! Not that I would EVER be seen in public wearing any of the above.

My Little miss Georgia loves dressing up in her tutu skirts. Teacups and shortbread was on the menu today and I must say it was gorgeous to spend the time with Georgia watching her prance around in her dresses/tutus. Must do it more often.

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