Sunday, April 13, 2014

Introducing Baby Flynn

His head full of hair and such a sweet little face had us swooning from the beginning

Flynn Luke
Born 17th July 2013
Weight 9lb 8oz
56cm Long

In the world of Flynn his needs are as follows: Eat, poop, sleep, repeat. Sometimes he switches it up and adds an extra poop in there to spice things up a bit. He likes to be held and does not really like his sling or bouncer. He prefers sleeping a little upright or in the bed next to me. I tried to put him to sleep in his own bed last night, but FAILED. He woke up every 10 minutes. I caved and took him out in the living room with me while I read Baby Wise. I usually have to feed him to sleep and he sleeps in his bassinet next to our bed. I REALLY would like to get him on some kind of schedule because feeding on demand and co-sleeping is not for me. I read Baby Wise with James and Georgia and they were both on great schedules, going to bed by 7pm and sleeping for most of the night after they were 8 weeks old. Hopefully Flynn will follow big brother’s and sister's lead. But I am starting to see how different they really are, so who knows how this plan will pan out.

Happy  birthday, baby!

So here’s the down low and what to expect in those first few days/weeks.....

•You're so in love, you don't even notice that baby's face is all squished, swollen and bruised from his tight squeeze into the world (if you had a C-section, baby will look a bit less squished but may still be puffy). If you have noticed, don't worry. He'll be looking picture-perfect in no time!

•Ditto with that cone-shaped infant head. Just put on one of those cute little knit hats to hide it. It's all good!

•Because he's been curled up in your belly for the past nine months, your baby may still be huddled in the fetal position after he's born. Your heart will melt watching his little grunts and stretches as he works out the kinks. Keeping him swaddled a good deal of the time will help him feel safe and secure.

•Until baby's umbilical cord falls off, you'll have to give him a sponge bath rather than immersing him in a tub, it helps all the goodness seep back into their skin.

•Some babies are born with a mop of hair while others are total cue balls. Whatever junior has now, rest assured that come kindergarten, he'll be sporting some locks.

All babies grow and develop at different rates.
So please don't compare your kid with so-and-so's baby from across the road—you'll just drive yourself nuts.
If you have any concerns, bring them up with your doctor/pediatrician at your baby's next visit.


The Moment A Child Is Born

The moment my children were born,
I was changed forever.
I grow daily as a mother thanks to them.